coordinator of the NGO Working Committee. On behalf of this institution Munir began to shine, as he advocates against activists who are victims of kidnapping Suharto regime. Munir struggle certainly did not escape from the terrors of violence and assassination threats against himself and his family. After kepengurusannya in Kontras, Munir co-founded the Institute for Monitoring Human Rights Indonesia, Imparsial, where he served as Executive Director.Currently serving his name bounced KontraS Coordinator as a fighter for missing persons who were kidnapped at the time. At the time he defended the activists who are victims of kidnapping Rose Team of Special Forces led by Prabowo Subianto (Ketum Gerindra). After Suharto fell, the kidnapping was the reason for dismissal Danjen Kopassus (then) Prabowo Subianto and diadilinya Rose Team members.Top tireless struggle, he had obtained the Right Livelihood Award in Sweden (2000), a prestigious award called the alternative Nobel Foundation The Right Livelihood Award Jacob von Uexkull, Stockholm, Sweden in the field of human rights promotion and Civilian Control of Military in Indonesia. Previously, Asiaweek Magazine (October 1999) menobatkannya became one of 20 young political leaders of Asia in the new millennium and the Man of The Year magazine Ummat (1998).Important Cases handled Munir Ever
- Legal Counsel society Nipah, Madura, in the case of military demand accountability for the killing of three farmers Nipah Madura, East Java; 1993
- Sri Bintang Pamungkas Legal Counsel (Chairman PUDI) in the case of subversion and lawsuits Administrative Court (Administrative Court) for his dismissal as a lecturer, Jakarta; 1997
- Muchtar Pakpahan Legal Counsel (Chairman SBSI) in the case of subversion, Jakarta; 1997
- Legal Counsel Dita Indah Sari, Coen Husein Pontoh, Sholeh (PPBI Chairman and members of the PRD) in the case of subversion, Surabaya; 1996
- Counsel students and farmers in Pasuruan in case of riot PT. Samsung Chief; 1995
- Legal Counsel for the 22 workers of PT. Maspion in the case of a strike in Sidoarjo, East Java; 1993
- Legal Counsel DR. George Junus Aditjondro (Lecturer Satyawacana Christian University, Salatiga) in the case of contempt against the government, Yogyakarta; 1994
- Legal Counsel in the case of the loss of 24 activists and university students in Jakarta; 1997-1998 -> [Danjen Koppasus]
- Legal Counsel in the case of large-scale killings of civilians in Tanjung Priok 1984; since 1998
- Counsel students at Semanggi shootings, Tragedy 1 and 2; 1998-1999
- Member of Commission of Inquiry into Human Rights Violations in East Timor; 1999
- The initiator of the Commission on Peace and Reconciliation in the Moluccas
- Legal Advisor and Coordinator of Human Rights Advocates in cases in Aceh and Papua (along KontraS)
And there are very many kontribus (late) Munir in the handling of cases involving the defense of Human Rights and Civil Society can not mention here.
- he case is in 'bold' are my guesses perpetrators [the party will feel aggrieved by Munir] behind the murder of Munir. They feel 'sound' Munir kekersaan and defend the victims of cruelty are too dangerous for the existence of their power. (Dra)
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