Friday, September 23, 2011

7 Tips to manage finance Salaries

As an employee must have been waiting for moments of time for payday. After a month of work contain his wish to buy. Now after the payday shopping desires may terlampiaskan. But do realize if we recklessly spending without the details are not sold out yet another of our money no trace. And finally we will be confusion in the future.

So I'll lay out my tips on how to manage finances in order we can still enjoy the cash salary with priority.

1. Make a shopping list is always either a principal or additional.

2. Create a spending analysis salaries should not be large pegs of the pole.

3. Avoid Auoto debit, because it is a disease that is less self-conscious we always forget.

4. Splitting the money in different places. Eg own money accommodation, spending money alone, and so on.

5. Saving, always make it a habit to save 10% of our salaries, and not to interfere with saving money.

6. After saving learning to invest, how much investment is safe and easy.

7. Familiarize shodaqoh and infak. These things are important and should not be forgotten.

Regards successful

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