Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Inspiring People: Savannah Sanitoa, Sprinter World's fattest

If you think that during this entire runners in the championship is a world-class athletes who berpostur slender or slim, then you have to do re-checking seprtinya. Savannah is an athlete Sanitoa race from Samoa, the American who weighs more than 90kg.

Savannah Sanitoa instantly seized the attention of the viewer as first-time entry field. Yes, with body fat and the fat layer that stood out around the waist is at 100m running track. In the run numbers like this highly charged and high reaction speed.

Remarkably, Savannah Sanitoa with fat body is able to prove his ability to the maximum with the result to be proud of. He was not at that last statistic, there are two slim-bodied runners who stands behind it.

Until this article seems to be a sprinter fattest Sanitoa Savannah who has attended the world championship 100m run.

Yes true physical condition like this does not seem to forbid anyone to perform and what about you who was perfect? Still embarrassed or hesitant to perform?

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